Early Childhood Forum

ECF - at the heart of Early Years from birth to 7 years
Inform ~ Advocate ~ Campaign



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If you would like to contact ECF please email your enquiry to: earlychildhoodforum@yahoo.co.uk


The Early Childhood Forum (ECF), brings together national organisations and professional associations in the early childhood sector for all young children from birth to seven. ECF exists to promote inclusion, challenge inequalities, debate issues, celebrate differences and develop consensus to champion high quality experiences for young children and their families.

News & Events

Is Baseline Missing the Bigger Picture?


To see Pam Jarvis's presentation given at the March 2018 meeting of ECF please click on the link below:

Download: Jarvis_BL_2018_pres.pdf

ECF Chairman's response to the OfSTED report: Bold Beginnings


The Early Childhood Forum is concerned that recommendations from government ministers, who are proposing a baseline test for four year olds, and OfSTED, who have just issued a report on reception classes, appear to demonstrate that established knowledge and understanding of how young children learn are not being used to formulate policy. The strength of feeling from our members across the early childhood sector in rejecting these proposed changes and recommendations is very evident (see from examples from TACTYC and NAPE ) .
Most other countries do not consider formal teaching of reading and writing until children are seven when they learn very quickly. What is being proposed and much of what is happening already will not only fail children at a young age, but consequently damage their progress and motivation for the rest of their education.
Research is plentiful - why do Ministers and now worryingly OfSTED- not heed the research?

Melian Mansfield
Chair Early Childhood Forum

This letter has been published in the Guardian and Nursery World

TACTYC Reponse to Assessment Consultation

TACTYC's response to HMG's consultation on primary assesment in England can be read by visiting


ECF Early Childhood Forum